[2013 SMU Korea- EU ICI ECP International Conference]
Gender and Migration in Multicultural Education
Host: EU ICI ECP Consoritium
Organizer: International Affairs Service at Sookmyung Women's University
Research Institute of Asian Women at Sookmyung Women's University
Sponsor: Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning, National Research Foundation of Korea
Welcoming Speech: Mi-Kyung Sung (Director, RIAW)
Opening Address: Sang Hwan Seoung (Director, KOR-EU ICI ECP Consortium Project)
Contratulatory Speech: Sun Hye Hwang (President, SMU)
- Arabic and Chinese-Speaking Adult Migrants in France: Gender Attitudes in a French
Learning Environment
Session II : Women's Empowerment & Localization
- Men and Women in Action: Deviating Campaigns of Female and Male Iranian
Asylum Seekers in the mid 1990s, in the Leiden
Tycho Walaardt (University of Leiden)
- Current Status and Challenges of Human Resource Development for Immigrant
Women by Marriage in South Korea
Jaelim Oh (Sookmyung Women's University)
- Missionary Education and Gender Issues
Hui-Yeon Kim (INALCO)
- The Difficulties in Communication and Korean Language Acquisition Experienced
by Migrant Women in Korea and the Problems that Immigrants Face in Education and Culture
Sang Hwan Seong (Seoul National University)
Session III : Ethnic Differences: Actors, Racism, and Security
- Migration-Security Nexus East Asia and Its Future Challenges
Kwang Ho Chun (Chonbuk National University)
- Pilipino Korean Students' Experiences in schools
Sung Choon Park, Seoul National University
- About the Banality of Ethnic Differences
Boris Nieswand (University of Tuebingen)
Gender and Migration in Multicultural Education
Host: EU ICI ECP Consoritium
Organizer: International Affairs Service at Sookmyung Women's University
Research Institute of Asian Women at Sookmyung Women's University
Sponsor: Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning, National Research Foundation of Korea
Welcoming Speech: Mi-Kyung Sung (Director, RIAW)
Opening Address: Sang Hwan Seoung (Director, KOR-EU ICI ECP Consortium Project)
Contratulatory Speech: Sun Hye Hwang (President, SMU)
Session I : Reproduction of Educational Inequality
- Having to Choose Between School and Work: the Reproduction of Social Inequalities
in Rural Tamil Nadu, India
Gabriele Alex (University of Tuebingen)
- Arabic and Chinese-Speaking Adult Migrants in France: Gender Attitudes in a French
Learning Environment
Session II : Women's Empowerment & Localization
- Men and Women in Action: Deviating Campaigns of Female and Male Iranian
Asylum Seekers in the mid 1990s, in the Leiden
Tycho Walaardt (University of Leiden)
- Current Status and Challenges of Human Resource Development for Immigrant
Women by Marriage in South Korea
Jaelim Oh (Sookmyung Women's University)
- Missionary Education and Gender Issues
Hui-Yeon Kim (INALCO)
- The Difficulties in Communication and Korean Language Acquisition Experienced
by Migrant Women in Korea and the Problems that Immigrants Face in Education and Culture
Sang Hwan Seong (Seoul National University)
Session III : Ethnic Differences: Actors, Racism, and Security
- Migration-Security Nexus East Asia and Its Future Challenges
Kwang Ho Chun (Chonbuk National University)
- Pilipino Korean Students' Experiences in schools
Sung Choon Park, Seoul National University
- About the Banality of Ethnic Differences
Boris Nieswand (University of Tuebingen)