Asian Women은 1995년 창간된 영문저널로 여성문제의 지역적 특수성과 보편성을 다루는 논문을 싣고 있다. 2005년 한국학술진흥재단 등재, 2008년 SSCI 등재, 2013년 SCOPUS 등재 학술지로 선정되어 여성학 분야 국제전문학술지로서의 입지를 확립하였다. Asian Women은 2024년 한국연구재단의 학술지지원사업에 15년 연속 선정되어 발행비를 지원받고 있으며 연간 4회 분기별로 3월, 6월, 9월, 12월에 발행되고 있다.
Asian Women 바로가기 >직책/직위 | 성명 | 소속기관 |
Editor-in-Chief | Seohee Son | Sookmyung Women's University, Korea |
Editorial Board | Alma Blount | Duke University, USA |
Balazs Szalontai | Korea University, Korea | |
Bruce Henry Lambert | Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Denmark | |
ByungKon Kim | Korea University, Korea | |
Carolyn I. Sobritchea | University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines | |
Cynthia Cherrey | University of Maryland, USA | |
Diane Sainsbury | Stockholm University, Sweden | |
Inchan Pak | Sookmyung Women's University, Korea | |
Inge Stephan | Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany | |
Jaelim Oh | Sookmyung Women's University, Korea | |
JeongWon Han | Catholic University of Pusan, Korea | |
Jian Zhang | China Women's University, China | |
Jin Hee Park | Dongguk University, Korea | |
Julie Matthews | The University of Adelaide, Australia | |
Kanokwan Sarojna | Burapha University, Thailand | |
Karín Lesnik-Oberstein | University of Reading, UK | |
Kathleen Patterson | Regent University, USA | |
Kathy E. Ferguson | University of Hawaii, USA | |
Keum Hyun Kim | University of Malaya, Malaysia | |
Manneke Budiman | Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia | |
Marion Jimenez-Tan | University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines | |
Mathias Mbuh | University of Yaounde, Cameroon | |
Matthew R. Martin | Wesleyan College, USA | |
Michael Hsiao | Academia Sinica, Taiwan | |
Minjae Park | Hongik University, Korea | |
Mohamad Fazli Sabri | Putra University, Malaysia | |
Moustafa Bayoumi | The City University of New York, USA | |
Pamela Cox | University of Essex, UK | |
Reiko Tachibana | Pennsylvania State University, USA | |
Rong-Lin Wang | National Taiwan University, Taiwan | |
Sampson Lee Blair | The State University of New York, USA | |
Sanjukta Dasgupta | Calcutta University, India | |
Seung-Ho Kwon | The University of New South Wales, Australia | |
Seungsook Moon | Vassar College, USA | |
Shirin Zubair | Kinanird College for Women, Pakistan | |
Susan Dewey | University of Wyoming, USA | |
Susan Weinger | Western Michigan University, USA | |
Suzanne Rice | University of Kansas, USA | |
Sylvia Bashevkin | University of Toronto, Canada | |
Teo Tang Wee | National Institute Education, Singapore | |
Young Lan Kim | Sookmyung Women's University, Korea |
Address | SookMyung Professional Center #412, Cheongpa-ro 47 Na-gil 36, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea (Korea, Republic of) (04309) |
Homepage | | | |
TEL | +82-2-6325-3152 |
FAX | 0303-0799-0392 |
Asian Women would like to cordially invite papers dealing with the academic issues related to Vulnerability in Women’s Labor for the Special Issue of 2022.
About the Journal Asian Women is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural journal, which is published in English by the Research Institute of Asian Women at Sookmyung Women's University, Korea. It has been published quarterly: in March, June, September, and December. It is indexed and abstracted in the Social Science Citation (SSCI), SCOPUS, and the Korea Citation Index (KCI).
2022 Special Issue Theme COVID-19 has changed the lifestyles and thinking paradigms of members around the world, and this change has exposed and deepened inequality and vulnerability in our society. In particular, the women’s employment and labor sectors have faced a serious crisis. Amid the global social transition currently taking place, the pursuit of qualitative rather than quantitative growth, and the creation of a society of coexistence rather than exclusion and monopoly remains a priority. To this end, and to repair the damage disasters have caused to women and mitigate gender inequality, the need for gender-sensitive policies is clear.
This special issue aims to raise interest in the vulnerability of women’s labor by re-examining the issue from new perspectives that deviate from previous studies, thereby providing a platform of academic communications to explore future development and countermeasures through discussion. We would welcome any theoretical or empirical research with a feminist perspective related to the topics below