2005 Wineter Issue
Asian Women seeks submissions for recent gender issues such as women and welfare, women's rights,
eco-feminism, health, women and bio-technology, women and history, men's studies
and other relevant themes in gender studies, slated for publication in Winter 2005.
For special theme of 2005 Winter issue, research papers and articles on HIV/AIDS and women would be welcomed.
Asian Women, an interdisciplinary journal covering various Women's Studies, Men's Studies
and Gender Studies themes, hopes to share intelligent original papers
as well as case studies with you.
Also, Any contributions of theoretical papers, regional reports, or case studies based
on feminist studies and Asian studies will be welcomed.
The editors welcome submissions that are based on either collaborative or independent scholarship.
They also welcome submissions from a wide variety of Asia and other countries. Contributors
need to send their manuscripts to the Research Institute of Asian Women any time.
However, for the prompt evaluation procedure and publication for 2005 Winter issue,
contributors should send their manuscripts by 30th of September 2005.
For more information, contact to the Managing Editor, Research Institute of Asian Women,
Sookmyung Women's university, 53-12, Chungpa-dong 2-ka, Youngsan-ku, Seoul, Korea 140-742
or e-mail to asianfem@sookmyung.ac.kr