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[KCI] OMNES vol. 15 no. 2_Call for Papers (~4/30)

작성자 : RIAW
조회수 : 43

Call for Papers:

OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society, 15(2). ISSN 2093-5498 (Print) / ISSN 2671-969X (Online)

1. Manuscript Deadline April 30th, 2025.

2. Manuscript

General topics within the scope of OMNES

3. Description

1) We welcome manuscripts that deal with theme concerning the global movement of people, human security related to migration, multicultural society, social integration, and other relevant topics. We are seeking an interdiscipli nary approach in the area of politics, economy, society, culture, lan guage, literature, history, philosophy, and the arts.

2) We publish OMNES twice a year (January 31st, July 31st). Submissions are open all year round. OMNES is indexed and abstracted in Korean Citation Index (KCI). For more information about submission or subscription, please see below.

4. Article Types

  • • Research Paper: A Manuscript should be approximately 25 pages (6,000-7,000 words) in its total length, including tables, figures, and references (no more than 30 pages).
  • • Review Article: A comprehensive and in-depth review of a specific topic, often analyzing or summarizing existing research. Manuscript should not exceed 10,000 words (excluding abstract, references, and tables).
  • • Book Review: A book review manuscript could normally focus on books published within the recent 5 years and should be around 3-5 pages (800-1,000 words).
  • • Letter: A short and quick communication of up to 3,000 words, which merits immediate publication.
  • • Brief Report: A concise report presenting key research results or data, typically shorter and more straightforward than a full paper. Manuscript should not exceed 3,000 words (including main text, tables/figures, and references).
  • • Editorial: An article discussing the direction or policies of a journal, research, or academic field etc.

5. Information

◊ For further details, please contact RIAW at omnes@sookmyung.ac.kr.

     Tel. No. +82-2-710-9177

◊ Details are available on our website: http://www.omnesjournal.org/

     Please refer to the Notes for Contributors 
