Foreward Editor's Note Papers: A Study of Feminine Symbolism in Korean Myth: 'Wonder,' Samguk Yusa Chin-hong Chung ................................. 1 Korean Women and their Experience in the Traditional World Hae-joang Cho ................................... 25 The Ideology of Sexual Discrimination in Korean Women's Religious Rituals Jin-myung Kim ................................... 53 The Pattern of Stories Concerning the Choice of a Spouse in Taekbudam Pyung-heon Chung ................................ 73 The New Cultural Movement for Korean Women: Women's Studies in the Early 1920s Se-hyun Cheong .................................. 97 The Female-complex in Modern Korean Poetry: the Colonial Period Yoon-shik Kim ................................... 121 Shift of Women's Attitude toward Sex in Light of Social Changes: Writings of Women after the Korean War Joo-youn Kim .................................... 141 The Semantics of Korean Females Yol-kyu Kim ..................................... 163 The Study of Korean Women's Language Hyon-shik Min ................................... 215 Sociolinguistic Study of Mutual Address Terms among Spouses Ok-yun Lee ...................................... 253 Abou the Conbtributions ......................... 273 About the Translators ........................... 276 |