[2015 Research Institute of Asian Women International Confernece] Gender and Childhood: Literature, Media, and Culture Host: Research Institute of Asian Women at Sookmyung Women's University Co-host: Research Institute for English Language & Cultural Studies Sponsorship: Natioanl Research Foundation of Korea Opening Remarks Ji Young Moon (Director of RIAW) Welcoming Remarks Hyung Jin Lee (Director of REC) Contratulatory Speech: Sun Hye Hwang (President, Sookmyung Women's University) - Keynote Speech: Gender and Childhood: the CIRCL Approach Karín Lesnik-Oberstein (Univ. of Reading) Session I : Critical Approaches to Gender and Childhood in Children's Literature, Media - Gender and Irony: Children's Literature and its Criticism - Children’s Detective Fiction and Ideas of Gender Presenter : Evdokia Michalopoulou (Univ. of Reading) Discussant: Ki Yoon Jang (Sogang Univ.) Heeyoung Cho / Jisun Lee (Sookmyung Women's Univ.) - (En)gendering children’s literature in the western paradigm: what the critics don’t tell us about gender Presenter : Vasiliki Vasiloudi (National Hellenic Research Foundation) Discussant: Seongeun Jin (Soongsil Univ.) Sooyoung Oh / Youjun Jeon (Sookmyung Women's Univ.) Session II : Reading Gender and Childhood in Family Relationships Moderator: Eunju Hwang (Sogang Univ.) - Gender in Continual Suspension between Childhood and Adulthood in Alice Munro Presenter : Jung yoon Chang (Sookmyung Women's Univ.) Discussant: Sung Hee Yook (Chonbuk National Univ.) Yoona Nam / Eunyoung Hong (Sookmyung Women's Univ.) - Childhood, Gender and Nation in Ulysses Presenter : Shen Fuying (Shandong Univ.) Discussant: Seokmoo Choi (Korea Univ.) Yeonji Ryu / Lana Lee (Sookmyung Women's Univ.) Session III : Gender and Childhood in Cross-Cultural Fairy Tales Moderator: Il Gu Kim (Hannam Univ.) - Cinderella Motifs in Korean Television Commercials Presenter : Su Jin Yang (Sookmyung Women's Univ.) Discussant: YunJeong Yang (KokKuk Univ.) / Jungsun Choi (Hankyong Univ.) Youjin Jeon / Jinok Kim (Sookmyung Women's Univ.) - 'Face Me Like a Princess”: Destabilizing Normative Models of Gender in Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time Presenter : Maggie Roby (CIRCL Japan) Discussant: Byoung Chul Seo (Yonsei University) Jisun Lee / Changsook Park (Sookmyung Women's Univ.) - The Sites/Sights of Vision: Questions of the Child, Authenticity, and Gender in a Study Case of Billy Elliot the Musical Presenter : Yu Kuan Chen (Soochow Univ.) Discussant: Hyun Hee Song (Hannam Univ.) / Seojung Kang (Kookmin Univ.) Lana Lee / Yeonji Ryu (Sookmyung Women's Univ.) |